Monday, November 9, 2015

The next chapter...

A LOT has happened in the last month. 

We've changed our lifestyle, pretty drastically. Jerrod accepted an amazing position as a travel nurse! They told us that once he accepted, things would move pretty fast. I don't think either of us knew exactly how fast that was going to be. 

Let's just say, we found out he was accepted, found out we were moving to TN (at the end of the month), found out I was able to work remotely, and had an accepted offer on our house... all within a week! 

Before all of that happened, we actually put our house up for sale. We loved our house, our small town, and our neighbors, but hated the idea that a structure was consuming so much of our time. The only thing we wanted was more time to do the things we enjoy. Turns out, those things are not raking leaves, pulling weeds, replacing a roof or a water heater, buying things to fill empty space, or cleaning 2/3 of our house that we never ever used. Despite loving our first home, we both realized that the lifestyle was really making us unhappy. Tough thing to realize, but glad we realized it early on. 

So, we've been getting back to what makes us happy: Living minimally. Less stuff. More experiences. We sold and donated over half of our stuff. It took us a grand total of 3 hours to unpack all of our stuff once we got to TN! It was awesome. 

Jerrod also built a trailer. Correction... he built a freaking UHAUL! He built it from the ground up. I don't know how he does this stuff... but it's absolutely amazing. Oh, and did I mention it has lighting on the inside?! Of course it does! 

No, we don't live in the trailer :)
We packed up our lives and moved to our first assignment right outside of Nashville, TN. It was a long drive (longer than expected because of a trailer), but we made it! 

Ya know what makes an 873 mile trip a little more fun? Walkie talkies :D