Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Next stop... Rhode Island!

It's been a very busy three months! Three months goes by pretty fast on its own with all of the new changes with moving, but turns out that it goes into hyper speed with the addition of holidays and multiple work trips. I have absolutely no idea where the last 13 weeks have gone. As of this week, Jerrod's first travel assignment will be wrapped up in Tennessee and we'll be on our way to the next in Rhode Island this weekend! 

I'm so excited to move back to the ocean state and both of us have a to-do list composed of:

1. Arrive and do happy dance
2. Find crab cakes  

Pretty sure Bear is going to lose his mind when he sees the ocean for the first time :) Or a crab. Maybe I'll be a little better about updating this blog this time, too. Wouldn't hold my breath on that, but that's the goal. 

Here's to new adventures in Rhode Island! 

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